After two failed attempts at becoming a happy stay-at-home-mom, Dani decided to do whatever it took to become the mom she always dreamed of being. She’s now an elated work-at-home-mom of five kids under nine, still finding time to blog and mentor other moms struggling to find purpose and productivity in their new careers.
She is the founder of (formerly and; and, helps women across the country learn to simplify their lives and build an income from home. You can also find her in other places around the web:
Her Web Design & Development Business: Cooper Leigh Creative
Her Podcast: Do It Scared
Dani lives near Ann Arbor, MI with her husband Josh and five children: Karsyn, 9; Brett, 6; twins Elias and Carter, 5; and Alex, 2. In her spare time, she enjoys planning five-course meals she’ll never have time to cook and drooling over designer fabric she’ll never be brave enough to sew with.